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日落沙灘瑜伽/ Sunset Beach Yoga

All Levels

  • 1 h
  • 800 新台幣
  • Nanwan / South Bay

Service Description

課程內容: 2分鐘冥想 2 minute meditation 43分鐘瑜伽體位法練習 43 minutes of yoga asana practice 15分鐘拍照 15 minutes to take pictures 地點 Location: 南灣沙灘 Nawan ( South Bay ) 集合地點 Meeting Point : 南灣7-11對面 Opposite 7-11 at Nawan 🎈須知 Notes: 1. 建議穿泳裝 Swimwear is recommended 2. 我們有提供瑜伽墊,麻煩自備毛巾、 防曬用品、水。 We provide yoga mats, please bring your own towels, sunscreen and water. 3. 麻煩提早10分鐘到場 Please arrive 10 minutes early 4. 如果想取消課程需48小時前 If you want to cancel the class, you must do so 48 hours before class starts 5. 如因不可抗拒原因(天氣不佳、染疫等等...)無法上課,可更改日期或全額退費。 If you are unable to attend classes due to reasons out of your control (bad weather, sickness, etc...), you can change the date or get a full refund. 6 . 我們的聯絡電話:0958080066 Our contact number: 0958080066

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • South Bay, Taiwan





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