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早晨瑜伽 (線上) / Morning Yoga (Online)
Level 1
1 小時1 小Hengbei Road
300 新台幣
早晨瑜伽 Morning Yoga - Level 1 早晨進行瑜伽練習,可以舒緩僵硬緊繃的肌肉,同時增加我們的新陳代謝,加快身體的血液循環,讓我們更快地讓身體進入充滿活力朝氣的狀態;一整天神清氣爽。 Yoga practice in the morning can relieve stiff and tense muscles, increase our metabolism, speed up the blood circulation of the body, and let us enter a state of vigour and vitality more quickly; relaxed and refreshed throughout the day.
No. 8-16號, Hengbei Rd, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 946
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