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開心開髖(線上) / Happy Hips Yoga (Online)

All Levels

1 小
300 新台幣
Hengbei Road


開心開髖 Happy Hips Yoga - All Levels 課程內容: 我們因長期久坐或站立,會造成我們的髖關節四周的肌肉僵硬肌肉失去平衡,種下長期背痛的原因。透過開髖的動作能幫助下背都獲得放鬆,並能促進腿部的血液循環,改善背痛的問題。 When we sit or stand for long periods of time, the muscles around our hip joints become stiff and the muscles are out of balance, causing long-term back pain. Through hip opening movements, we will relax your lower back, and improve blood circulation in your limbs, helping you soothe any back pain.



  • No. 8-16號, Hengbei Rd, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 946

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