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陰瑜伽與頌缽課程/ Sound Healing & Yin Yoga

All Levels

  • 1 h 30 min
  • 1,500 新台幣
  • Hengbei Road

Service Description

陰瑜伽與頌缽課程 Sound Healing & Yin Yoga - All levels 課程內容: 這個課程結合了45分鐘的陰瑜伽和45分鐘的頌缽療癒,總時長為90分鐘,旨在提供身心靈的放鬆和療癒體驗。 陰瑜伽(45分鐘): 我們將以45分鐘的陰瑜伽練習開始課程。陰瑜伽是一種柔和且放鬆的瑜伽風格,注重身體的伸展和放鬆,以釋放壓力和疲勞。通過使用支撐物和長時間保持每個姿勢,我們可以深入伸展結締組織和關節,增加身體靈活性,促進能量流動,並平衡身心。 頌缽療癒(45分鐘): 在完成陰瑜伽後,我們將進入45分鐘的頌缽療癒課程。頌缽是由特殊的金屬製成的療癒工具,當敲擊或環繞時,會發出美妙而和諧的聲音和振動。這些聲音和振動能夠深層放鬆身心,平靜心靈,並激發內在的能量。透過頌缽的共鳴振動,我們能夠釋放壓力、平衡能量中心,並提升身心靈的整體健康。 This course combines a 45-minute Yin Yoga practice with a 45-minute Singing Bowl Healing session, providing a holistic experience for relaxation and healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Yin Yoga (45 minutes): We will begin the course with a 45-minute Yin Yoga practice. Yin Yoga is a gentle and relaxing style that focuses on stretching and releasing the body to alleviate stress and fatigue. By using props and holding each pose for an extended period, we can deeply stretch the connective tissues and joints, increase body flexibility, promote energy flow, and create a sense of balance in the body and mind. Singing Bowl Healing (45 minutes): Following the Yin Yoga session, we will transition into a 45-minute Singing Bowl Healing session. Singing Bowls are healing tools made from special metals that produce beautiful and harmonious sounds and vibrations when struck or played around the rim. These sounds and vibrations have the ability to deeply relax the body and mind, calm the spirit, and awaken inner energy. Through the resonance and vibrations of the Singing Bowls, we can release stress, balance energy centers, and enhance overall well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. 🎈須知 Notes: 1. 我們有提供瑜伽墊,水、麻煩自備毛巾。 We provide yoga mats and water, please bring your own towels. 3. 麻煩提早10分鐘到場 Please arrive 10 minutes early 4. 如果想取消課程需4小時前 If you want to cancel the class, you must do so 4hours before class starts 5. 如因不可抗拒原因(天氣不佳、染疫等等...)無法上課,可更改日期或全額退費。 If you are unable to attend classes due to reasons out of your control (bad weather, sickness, etc...), you can change the date or get a full refund. 6 . 我們的聯絡電話:0958080066 Our contact number: 0958080066

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • No. 8-16號, Hengbei Rd, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 946





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